Posting on the Rated Forum

So you want to contribute to the Rated forum we hear?! Wonderful! This page is a guide in terms of how you should approach contributing to the forum with net new posts.

When to post in the forum

We aim for the forum to be the venue in which we have important discussions about different methodologies that ought to be easy to index and reference. If you are thinking of raising such an issue, then posting here is the way to do it. For everything else, there’s the Rated Discord.

How to post in the forum

Before you are unleashed in the Rated interwebs, a few housekeeping items so that we maintain good form and make it easy to follow subjects as the forum grows. As you post, we’d love it if you:

  1. Attributed an appropriate subject to the post (e.g. Methodologies | Ethereum MEV)
  2. Introduced yourself very briefly in the intro (if your profile doesn’t have rudimentary info about you)
  3. Follow form if your post is relating to a methodology query, proposal and so on. Namely, the form we’d like posts to adopt is:
    a. Intro
    b. Context – this is where you specify the problem
    c. Proposed solution – this is where you propose a solution to the problem you’ve described
    d. Open questions – this is where you provide a springboard for others to contribute

In the section below, you will find a template you can copy verbatim to jumpstart your post. Feel free to use sub-headings where they make sense (###), and please keep headings to H2 (##)

Happy contributing!!


Short intro about yourself


This is where you specify the problem or issue that you would like to raise.

Proposed solution

This is where you propose a solution to the problem you’ve described.

Open questions

This is where you provide a springboard for others to contribute.